Results for 'J. Cox David'

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  1.  4
    Research ethics in behavior analysis: from laboratory to clinic and classroom.David J. Cox (ed.) - 2022 - London, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
    The behavior analytic research community emphasizes within-subject research methodologies to study relations between individual behavior and the environment. This is unique as behavior analytic practitioners can then replicate directly the research they read when determining whether a research finding applies to the clients with whom they work. Research Ethics in Behavior Analysis: From Laboratory to Clinic and Classroom is a reference guide for behavior analysts who conduct, supervise, or consume research specific to behavior analysis. This book is sequenced to follow (...)
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  2. Ethical principles and values guiding modern scientific research.J. Cox David, D. Suarez Victoria & Videsha Marya - 2022 - In David J. Cox, Research ethics in behavior analysis: from laboratory to clinic and classroom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]J. Stanley Ahmann, Victor Nubou Kobayashi, Mark B. Ginsburg, Arden W. Holland, Fred Drewe, Josphat KipKoech Yego, David B. Baral, Robert Primrack, Creta D. Sabine, Alan J. De Young, David N. Campbell, Richard A. Brosio, Frederick D. Harper & Roy L. Cox - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (3):259-276.
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  4. Melvin J. Williams, "Catholic Social Thought: Its Approach to Contemporary Problems". [REVIEW]David Cox - 1951 - Philosophical Forum 9:34.
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    Communicating BRCA research results to patients enrolled in international clinical trials: lessons learnt from the AGO-OVAR 16 study.David J. Pulford, Philipp Harter, Anne Floquet, Catherine Barrett, Dong Hoon Suh, Michael Friedlander, José Angel Arranz, Kosei Hasegawa, Hiroomi Tada, Peter Vuylsteke, Mansoor R. Mirza, Nicoletta Donadello, Giovanni Scambia, Toby Johnson, Charles Cox, John K. Chan, Martin Imhof, Thomas J. Herzog, Paula Calvert, Pauline Wimberger, Dominique Berton-Rigaud, Myong Cheol Lim, Gabriele Elser, Chun-Fang Xu & Andreas du Bois - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):63.
    The focus on translational research in clinical trials has the potential to generate clinically relevant genetic data that could have importance to patients. This raises challenging questions about communicating relevant genetic research results to individual patients. An exploratory pharmacogenetic analysis was conducted in the international ovarian cancer phase III trial, AGO-OVAR 16, which found that patients with clinically important germ-line BRCA1/2 mutations had improved progression-free survival prognosis. Mechanisms to communicate BRCA results were evaluated, because these findings may be beneficial to (...)
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  6. Тип: Статья в журнале-научная статья язык: Английский том: 11 номер: 1 год: 1997 страницы: 75-89 цит. В ринц®: 0.Carole Ulanowsky, Miles Little, Andrew Grubb, Maxwell J. Mehlman, Lennart Nordenfelt, David Lamb & Becky Cox White - 1997 - Bioethics 11 (1):75-89.
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    The editors express their appreciation to the following individuals who, though not members of the Advisory board, generously reviewed articles for the Journal during 1990: George J. Annas, Nora K. Bell, Robert C. Cefalo, John H. Cover-dale, Larry Churchill, Rebecca Dresser, Gary B. Ferngren, James. [REVIEW]M. Gustafson, Stanley Hauerwas, George BChusfh, Andrew Lustig, James J. McCartney, Karen Ritchie, David C. Thomasma & Becky Cox White - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (369).
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    Using hypnosis to disrupt face processing: mirrored-self misidentification delusion and different visual media.Michael H. Connors, Amanda J. Barnier, Max Coltheart, Robyn Langdon, Rochelle E. Cox, Davide Rivolta & Peter W. Halligan - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  9.  39
    Justice and philosophical methou: Prostitution as an illustration.David Cox - 1980 - Journal of Social Philosophy 11 (2):10-15.
  10. Could a large language model be conscious?David J. Chalmers - 2023 - Boston Review 1.
    [This is an edited version of a keynote talk at the conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) on November 28, 2022, with some minor additions and subtractions.] -/- There has recently been widespread discussion of whether large language models might be sentient or conscious. Should we take this idea seriously? I will break down the strongest reasons for and against. Given mainstream assumptions in the science of consciousness, there are significant obstacles to consciousness in current models: for example, their (...)
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    Objectivity and conditionality in frequentist inference.David Cox & Deborah G. Mayo - 2009 - In Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos, Error and Inference: Recent Exchanges on Experimental Reasoning, Reliability, and the Objectivity and Rationality of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 276.
  12. The philosopher in 1951.David Cox - 1951 - Philosophical Forum 9:1.
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  13. Frege, Boolos, and logical objects.David J. Anderson & Edward N. Zalta - 2004 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 33 (1):1-26.
    In this paper, the authors discuss Frege's theory of "logical objects" and the recent attempts to rehabilitate it. We show that the 'eta' relation George Boolos deployed on Frege's behalf is similar, if not identical, to the encoding mode of predication that underlies the theory of abstract objects. Whereas Boolos accepted unrestricted Comprehension for Properties and used the 'eta' relation to assert the existence of logical objects under certain highly restricted conditions, the theory of abstract objects uses unrestricted Comprehension for (...)
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    Frequentist statistics as a theory of inductive inference.Deborah G. Mayo & David Cox - 2009 - In Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos, Error and Inference: Recent Exchanges on Experimental Reasoning, Reliability, and the Objectivity and Rationality of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    After some general remarks about the interrelation between philosophical and statistical thinking, the discussion centres largely on significance tests. These are defined as the calculation of p-values rather than as formal procedures for ‘acceptance‘ and ‘rejection‘. A number of types of null hypothesis are described and a principle for evidential interpretation set out governing the implications of p- values in the specific circumstances of each application, as contrasted with a long-run interpretation. A number of more complicated situ- ations are discussed (...)
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  15.  65
    Gravitational Faraday Effect Produced by a Ring Laser.David Eric Cox, James G. O’Brien, Ronald L. Mallett & Chandra Roychoudhuri - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):723-733.
    Using the linearized Einstein gravitational field equations and the Maxwell field equations it is shown that the plane of polarization of an electromagnetic wave is rotated by the gravitational field created by the electromagnetic radiation of a ring laser. It is further shown that this gravitational Faraday effect shares many of the properties of the standard electromagnetic Faraday effect. An experimental arrangement is then suggested for the observation of this gravitational Faraday effect induced by the ring laser.
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    A note on "meeting".David Cox - 1951 - Mind 60 (238):259-261.
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    Chromosomes today. Volume I.David Cox - 1966 - The Eugenics Review 58 (4):209.
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    The significance of christianity.David Cox - 1950 - Mind 59 (234):209-218.
  19.  26
    NewPerspectiveson (SomeOld) Problems of Frequentist Statistics.Deborah G. Mayo & David Cox - 2009 - In Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos, Error and Inference: Recent Exchanges on Experimental Reasoning, Reliability, and the Objectivity and Rationality of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 247.
  20.  27
    The Amnesty Riddle.David Cox - 1975 - Journal of Social Philosophy 6 (3):10-12.
  21.  13
    An Empirical Theory of Ethics: Morality as Defensive Behavior.David F. Cox - 1981 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 62 (2):184-192.
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  22. Daniel S. Robinson, ed., "Royce's Logical Essays". [REVIEW]David Cox - 1952 - Philosophical Forum 10:45.
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  23. Paul E. Sabine's "Atoms, Men and God". [REVIEW]David F. Cox - 1954 - Philosophical Forum 12:103.
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  24. Biological species as natural kinds.David B. Kitts & David J. Kitts - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (4):613-622.
    The fact that the names of biological species refer independently of identifying descriptions does not support the view of Ghiselin and Hull that species are individuals. Species may be regarded as natural kinds whose members share an essence which distinguishes them from the members of other species and accounts for the fact that they are reproductively isolated from the members of other species. Because evolutionary theory requires that species be spatiotemporally localized their names cannot occur in scientific laws. If natural (...)
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  25. Seeing Shape: Shape Appearances and Shape Constancy.David J. Bennett - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (3):487-518.
    A coin rotating back in depth in some sense presents a changing, elliptical shape. How are we to understand such (in this case) ‘appearances of ellipticality’? How is the experiential sense of such shifting shape appearances related to the experiential sense of enduring shape definitive of perceived shape constancy? Is the experiential recovery of surface shape based on the prior (perhaps more fundamental) recovery of point or element 3D spatial locations?—or is the perception of shape a largely independent perceptual achievement? (...)
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    Patients?Attitudes Toward Hospital Ethics Committees.Stuart J. Youngner, Claudia Coulton, Barbara W. Juknialis & David L. Jackson - 1984 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 12 (1):21-25.
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    Causality: The Central Philosophy of Buddhism.David J. Kalupahana - 1975 - Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
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    The Role of Spatial Appearances in Achieving Spatial-Geometric Perceptual Constancy.David J. Bennett - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (2):1-41.
    Long tradition in philosophy and in empirical psychology has it that the perceptual recovery of enduring objective size and shape proceeds through initial spatial appearance experiences—like the sensed changing visual field size of a receding car, or the shifting shape appearance of a coin as it rotates in depth. The present paper carefully frames and then critically examines such proposals. It turns out that these are contingent, empirical matters, requiring close examination of relevant research in perception science in order to (...)
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    Charge and spin density distributions in the ferromagnetic alloy Fe2B.P. J. Brown & J. L. Cox - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 23 (183):705-725.
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    Diagnosing Medication Non-Adherence in a Patient with Myocardial Infarction.Siqin Ye, David J. Krupka & Karina W. Davidson - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Adding to the Mix: Integrating ELSI into a National Nanoscale Science and Technology Center.David J. Bjornstad & Amy K. Wolfe - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):743-760.
    This paper describes issues associated with integrating the study of Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) into ongoing scientific and technical research and describes an approach adopted by the authors for their own work with the center for nanophase materials sciences (CNMS) at the Oak Ridge national laboratory (ORNL). Four key questions are considered: (a) What is ELSI and how should it identify and address topics of interest for the CNMS? (b) What advantages accrue to incorporating ELSI into the CNMS? (...)
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    Errant affirmations: on the philosophical meaning of Kierkegaard's religious discourses.David J. Kangas - 2018 - London: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Kierkegaard's religious discourses - his writings which have explicitly dealt with religion - have historically been given scant attention by philosophers. They have generally been considered to be of less philosophical interest than his 'proper' philosophy. Errant Affirmations radically questions this claim and considers Kierkegaard's religious writings as absolutely central to his philosophical vision. Through close and clear readings of Kierkegaard's work, David Kangas argues that contemporary philosophical themes - gift, temporality, language, death, nothingness, economy and selfhood- are not (...)
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  33. National Symposium on Sensor & Data Fusion (NSSDF), Military Sensing Symposia (MSS).Jeremy Chapman, David Kasmier, John L. Crassidis, James L. Llinas, Barry Smith & Alex P. Cox (eds.) - 2021
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    Remembering from any angle: The flexibility of visual perspective during retrieval.Heather J. Rice & David C. Rubin - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):568-577.
    When recalling autobiographical memories, individuals often experience visual images associated with the event. These images can be constructed from two different perspectives: first person, in which the event is visualized from the viewpoint experienced at encoding, or third person, in which the event is visualized from an external vantage point. Using a novel technique to measure visual perspective, we examined where the external vantage point is situated in third-person images. Individuals in two studies were asked to recall either 10 or (...)
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    Ontology in Heidegger and Deleuze: A Comparative Analysis.David J. Allen - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (1):141-146.
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    Chorus of K prototypes or discord of contradictory representations?David R. Andresen & Chad J. Marsolek - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):467-468.
    The human visual system is capable of learning both abstract and specific mappings to underlie shape recognition. How could dissimilar shapes be mapped to the same location in visual representation space, yet similar shapes be mapped to different locations? Without fundamental changes, Chorus, like other single-system models, could not accomplish both mappings in a manner that accounts for recent evidence.
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    On Whether God Can Sin.David J. Baggett - 2003 - Philosophia Christi 5 (1):259-267.
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  38. Supervenience and materialism.David J. Chalmers - 2014 - In Zoltan Torey, The conscious mind. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. pp. 697-709.
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    Heidegger and the media.David J. Gunkel - 2014 - Malden, Massachusetts: Polity Press. Edited by Paul A. Taylor.
    The most significant philosopher of Being, Martin Heidegger has nevertheless largely been ignored within communications studies. This book sets the record straight by demonstrating the profound implications of his unique philosophical project for our understanding of today's mediascape. The full range of Heidegger's writing from Being and Time to his later essays is drawn upon.
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  40. Are Universities Redundant?James Arvanitakis & David J. Hornsby - 2016 - In James Arvanitakis & David J. Hornsby, Universities, the citizen scholar and the future of higher education. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Implementation of a simple age‐based strategy in the prevention of cardiovascular disease: the Polypill approach.David S. Wald & Nicholas J. Wald - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):612-615.
  42. Samuel Ibn Naghrila ha-Nagid and Islamic Historiography in Al-Andalus.David J. Wasserstein - 1993 - Al-Qantara 14 (1):109-126.
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    ¿A dónde fueron los conversos al Islam? Dificultades en el estudio de la conversión al Islam en al-Andalus.David J. Wasserstein - 2012 - Al-Qantara 33 (2):325-342.
    Este trabajo discute una reciente propuesta para identificar a conversos al Islam en al- Andalus basada en su onomástica tal y como ésta se conserva en los diccionarios biográficos árabes del medievo. Se propone demostrar que esta propuesta no es viable en la práctica y, como consecuencia de ello, que no se puede identificar a tales conversos de forma que puedan someterse a un análisis estadístico.
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    Looking backward: Progress in outer psychophysics.David J. Weiss - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):165-165.
  45. Mental structure.David J. Weissman - 1969 - Ratio (Misc.) 11 (June):14-37.
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    Work expectations of adults with developmental disabilities.David J. Whitney, Christopher R. Warren, Jenni Smith, Milady Arenales, Stephanie Meyers, Melissa Devaney & LeeAnn Christian - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-4 (15-4):321-340.
    L’emploi est au cœur du bien-être d’un individu. Les attentes liées au travail des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle ont été comparées à celles des coordonnateurs de services. Les variables comprenaient le type de travail attendu, le nombre d’heures de travail prévu, les préoccupations liées à l’emploi, les mesures de soutien souhaitées sur le lieu de travail et l’influence de la gravité de la déficience intellectuelle et de l’expérience de travail du coordonnateur de services sur les attentes en matière de (...)
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  47. Karl Barth, "Dogmatics in Outline". [REVIEW]David F. Cox - 1950 - Philosophical Forum 8:32.
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  48. Yours or mine? Ownership and memory.Sheila J. Cunningham, David J. Turk, Lynda M. Macdonald & C. Neil Macrae - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):312-318.
    An important function of the self is to identify external objects that are potentially personally relevant. We suggest that such objects may be identified through mere ownership. Extant research suggests that encoding information in a self-relevant context enhances memory , thus an experiment was designed to test the impact of ownership on memory performance. Participants either moved or observed the movement of picture cards into two baskets; one of which belonged to self and one which belonged to another participant. A (...)
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    The changing face of alterity: communication, technology, and other subjects.David J. Gunkel, Ciro Marcondes & Dieter Mersch (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Addressing a challenge and opportunity that is definitive of life in the 21st century, this book provides a range of possible solutions that serve to motivate and structure future research and debate around the concept of 'the other' in communication.
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    Reductive Logic and Proof-Search: Proof Theory, Semantics, and Control.David J. Pym & Eike Ritter - 2004 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Eike Ritter.
    This book is a specialized monograph on the development of the mathematical and computational metatheory of reductive logic and proof-search, areas of logic that are becoming important in computer science. A systematic foundational text on these emerging topics, it includes proof-theoretic, semantic/model-theoretic and algorithmic aspects. The scope ranges from the conceptual background to reductive logic, through its mathematical metatheory, to its modern applications in the computational sciences. Suitable for researchers and graduate students in mathematical, computational and philosophical logic, and in (...)
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